To send data from multiple sensors users have to configure applications from each of them destined to the node which acts as sink. This could be a wired node connected to the 6LowPAN Gateway via a router or a sensor node that is part of the network scenario. Multiple applications can be configured between the same set of devices or between different set of nodes. 

Network Scenario

Application Properties

From the above network scenario, all data packets are transmitting through the 6LoWPAN gateway to Wired Node.  


In NetSim WSN, this happens automatically based on sensing performed by the sensors. In NetSim the sensor network is based on Agent Model. Here agents are an abstraction of physical phenomenon like temperature, human being, humidity etc. The sensors perform sensing periodically and during sensing if there are agents within the sensing range, packets are generated and forwarded to the sinknode.

        Network Scenario

The packet flow can be observed in the packet animation as well as in the packet trace log file(as shown below).


From Packet Trace