
The Raspberry Pi is a series of small single-board computers developed by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote lab experimentation on basic computer science in universities. Raspberry Pi runs on Raspbian OS, a Debian-based Linux distribution for download, as well as third-party Ubuntu, Windows 10 IOT Core and RISC OS. It promotes Python and Scratch as the main programming language, with support for many other languages.

Raspberry Pi setup

  • Installing the Operating System and  Booting up Raspberry Pi
  • Assigning Static IP to Pi
  • Changing route connecting to NetSim Emulator

Interfacing Raspberry Pi with NetSim

  • Physically connect Sensor and Raspberry pi 
  • Connect the raspberry pi to the virtual network in NetSim using an emulation application to map the R-Pi to a virtual node
  • Perform a standalone test with raspberry pi and sensor to check the connections 
  • Test working of Raspberry Pi's across a virtual network in NetSim
  • Run NetSim Internet of Things (IOT) Emulation with default network parameters
  • Analysis of a wired/wireless network with NetSim with different impairments such as 
    • Packet loss: This can be caused by factors such as collisions, noise, interference, fading, etc

      Delay (and jitter): This can be caused by limited bandwidth, transmission rate, queuing, re-transmissions, congestion, etc

Example Experiments

  • Send the data Input via Numpad (4X4 Keypad) of Raspberry Pi 1 to seven-segment display of Raspberry Pi 2 through NetSim
  • Use NetSim to send data collected by 3D accelerometer sensor of Raspberry Pi 1 to LCD Display of Raspberry Pi 2
  • Send pings between 2 Raspberry Pi’s and check the ping statistics by changing network parameters in NetSim
  • Turn LED on/off in Raspberry Pi 1 based on intrusion detection in Raspberry Pi 2, via NetSim 
  • Use Wireshark and analyze the real-time traffic of network in the above experiments

For more details on setup, interfacing, experiment manual, and python codes please visit