Applicable VersionsNetSim Standard NetSim Pro

Applicable Releasesv12.2v13.0



We explain how to combine MANET and Wi-Fi Networks in NetSim by modifying the configuration file and simulating it via CLI.


NetSim Scenario

In this example, we create a scenario that is equivalent to the topology shown below. NetSim GUI does not allow combining the MANET and Internetwork libraries/components. Therefore, this combining is done via the configuration file. The screenshot below is a representation of the network and cannot be obtained in NetSim.

The flow of traffic is Wireless-Node -> Accesspoint ->Router ->Manet-Bridge Node ->Wireless MANET Node.

Infrastructure less combined with Infrastructured Network

Network Configuration

Bridge Node Properties

Routing Protocol


Router Properties

Routing Protocol


Wireless Node

Default Properties
Access Point Properties
Default Properties


Application Configuration

Application Type


Source ID

5 (i.e WiFi Wireless Node)

Destination ID

1 (i.e Manet Wireless Node)

Packet Size

50 Bytes

Inter Arrival Time

1 s


Configuration File Structure


Device Configuration: This section of the configuration file contains all the device properties used for this example.

Connection Configuration: This section of the configuration file contains all the connection properties from one device to another as shown in the scenario.

Application Configuration: This section of the configuration file contains information about the application properties. i.e. in this example its CBR Application from UE to Sensor.

Note: All the screenshots attached above are of the configuration file of the example given in this document. And they are shown in the contract view (Visual studio terminology). Further users can expand each device, connection, and application properties for a detailed view.

More detail on understanding the Configuration file is explained in NetSim User Manual, Chapter 7: Understanding the Configuration.netsim file.

Running Simulation via command-line interface

NetSim GUI does not allow combining the MANET and Internetwork libraries/components. Therefore, this combining is done via the configuration file. Once the configuration file is set up correctly, the simulation is then run via CLI.

Explanation on How to Run NetSim via CLI is explained in NetSim User Manual – Chapter 7: Running Simulation via Command Line Interface

Firstly import the configuration file (attached) to NetSim. Explanation on how to import configuration files is given in User Manual Chapter 4: Workspace and Experiment. Once you import the experiment you can run the simulation via CLI.


Analyzing results and viewing NetSim animation

Both Results Dashboard and Animation Window (if enabled in the configuration file) can be opened via NetSim UI after simulating the scenario via CLI.

All the files related to Results and Animation will be generated in the folder where configuration.netsim was simulated.

To open the NetSim Results Dashboard, go to NetSim Home Screen > Your Work (Open Simulation in v12.2) > View Results on a particular experiment.

After opening the results dashboard, to open NetSim Animation:

  • Open Command Prompt in NetSim Installation Dir.
  • Run command: 

                NetSimAnimation.exe %appdata%\NetSim\std12.2.26_x64\GUIConfigurations

  • NetSim Animation window will be opened for the scenario which was simulated via CLI.

Note:Make sure that you first open the NetSim Result dashboard and then NetSim Animation