The reason for the large size is the following 3 files
1. Packet Trace
2. Event Trace
3. Other Log Files
The recommended practice is to use these files only for debugging purposes. Enable them only if absolutely necessary (esp the event trace), because they would also slow down your simulation.
When sharing files for analysis, please ensure that you run/save the simulations with packet trace and/or event trace NOT enabled.

Log files generated during simulation are saved in a Log folder which will be part of the saved directory.
Users can delete this file before sharing file files. To do so:
1. Go to Open Simulation Menu in NetSim home screen
2. Right-click on the saved experiment from the list
3. Click on the Open Folder option.

4. Delete the Log folder in the saved directory. (You could also delete Packet Trace and Event Trace log files if they were saved during previous simulation runs.)

Now, when exporting the experiment, the exported file size will be much smaller.
You may also want to keep track of your disk space being used up by saved NetSim experiments. To reduce the space consumed, you can delete the above files from the experiments folder. Should you need these files later for some reason, you can always enable and re-run the simulations.