Applicable Versions
NetSim Standard
NetSim Academic
NetSim Pro

Applicable Releases
There are two options for you when doing automatic generation of configuration files (using a script):

When you wish to Input config files to Batch Automation:
  • NetSim Batch Automation project can take Configuration files with different unique names as input. (Ref:
  • It will automatically rename them to Configuration.netsim while running simulations and save the output in the individual directory with the unique name that was given to the Configuration file. 
  • The output folders will contain Configuration files with name Configuration.netsim.
When you wish to import config files via NetSim UI:
  • The network configuration file must have the name Configuration.netsim.
  • Therefore, one option would be for your script to create folders with different unique names and then create the Configuration.netsim file inside each of them. 
  • One more option would be - Configuration files with different unique names can be simulated using Batch automation project and then, users can import the Configuration files from the batch automation output folder. 
    • This output folder will contain Configuration files with name Configuration.netsim.
    • All the files including the results can be imported into NetSim by using the Import Configuration file option. 
    • Results can be viewed in the NetSim results dashboard, directly using the View Results option, since simulation was already run.