Before calculating the Packet Delivery Ratio we need the following parameters

  • Time (PHY_LAYER_END_TIME) (µS)
  • Total Packet Transmitted
  • Total Packet Transmitted successfully

Steps to tabulate the above parameters

Step 1: Make sure that the Packet-Trace is enabled before running the simulation.

Step 2: After the simulation in Metrics window open Packet Trace.

Step 3: Filter the Source ID and Destination ID to calculate the delivery ratio.

Step 4: Copy PHY_LAYER_END_TIME(µS) and Packet Status of all rows to SHEET 2.

Step 5: In addition to the above two columns add three more column "Packets Transmitted", "Packet Transmitted Successfully", "Packet Delivery Ratio"

Step 6: For Packets Transmitted give numbering from 1-n packets

Step 7: For Packet transmitted Successfully, select the respective cell to the 1st packet and write the formula as "=IF(B2="Successful",COUNTIF($B$2:$B2,"Successful"),COUNTIF($B1:$B$2,"Successful")) "

Step 8: For Packet Delivery Ratio, select the respective cell to the first packet and write the formula as "=D:D/C:C"

Step 9: Filter only Successful packets and plot the graph with respect to time