Create a simple network scenario in internetworks as per the screenshot below
Network settings:
1. Grid ength : 500*500m
2. Disable TCP in all nodes
3. WLAN Standard - 802_11ac
4. No. of aggregated packets - 10
5. Generation rate = 100 Mbps (Packet size = 1000 bytes, IAT = 80 micro seconds)
6. Propagation model -> Path Loss only, Path Loss Model -> Log Distance and Path loss Exponent -> 2
7. Enable packet trace
8. Run simulation for 10 s
After simulation, open packet trace and filter Control_Packet_Type to APP!_CBRand WLAN_BlockkAck, Transmitter_ID to Access Point-3 and Node-4.
For Number of Packets aggregated = 10, we will get 10 successive packets followed by a WLAN_Block_Ack (which is used to acknowledge that 5 packets are received successfully). This can be observed in the screenshot below.
In the beginning, AP would transmit whatever the number of frames/packets in its buffer. It will not wait for 10 packets to be aggregated. If Access Point buffer has more than 10 packets, it will aggregate 10 packets and then send. After sending 10 packets it will receive one WLAN_Block_ack.
For 802.11n, follow the same procedure by changing WLAN standard to 802.11n