The way to do this is,

1. Open NetSim.sln file from <NetSim Installation Directory>\src\Simulation  folder.

2. Open NAS.c file in the LTE project from the list of projects displayed in the Solution Explorer.

3. Go to fn_NetSim_LTE_ProcessHORequestAck() function and perform the following modifications(lines shown in red):

int fn_NetSim_LTE_ProcessHORequestAck()


 LTE_UE_MAC* ueMac;

 NETSIM_ID nMMEId,nMMEInterface;

 LTE_HLR* hlr;

 char buf[1000];


 int count=0;

 NetSim_BUFFER* buffer=DEVICE_MAC_NW_INTERFACE(pstruEventDetails->nDeviceId,pstruEventDetails->nInterfaceId)->pstruAccessBuffer;

 NetSim_PACKET* ack=fn_NetSim_Packet_GetPacketFromBuffer(buffer,1);

 LTE_HO_INFO* info=(LTE_HO_INFO*)((LTE_MAC_PACKET*)ack->pstruMacData->Packet_MACProtocol)->MessageVar;


 //Remove from source enb




 //Add to target enb




 //Link correction



 //Path switch




 sprintf(buf,"\nAt Simulation Time: %f micro sec",pstruEventDetails->dEventTime);

 sprintf(buf+strlen(buf),"\n\nHLR OF MME ID:%d Before Handover:\tHLR OF MME ID:%d After Handover:",nMMEId,nMMEId);





  sprintf(buf+strlen(buf),"\nEntry %d:\t\t\t\tEntry %d: \n",count,count);count++;



   sprintf(buf+strlen(buf),"\n ENBId: %d \t\t\t\t",hlr->nENBId);





   sprintf(buf+strlen(buf)," ENBId: %d \n",hlr->nENBId);

   sprintf(buf+strlen(buf),"\n UEId : %d \t\t\t\t UEId : %d\n\n",hlr->nUEId,hlr->nUEId);

   goto next;


  sprintf(buf+strlen(buf),"\n ENBId: %d \t\t\t\t ENBId: %d \n",hlr->nENBId,hlr->nENBId);

  sprintf(buf+strlen(buf),"\n UEId : %d \t\t\t\t UEId : %d\n\n",hlr->nUEId,hlr->nUEId);





 //Change the UE association




 //Update metrics



 return 1;


    A sample NAS.c file is attached for reference.

4. After performing the modifications, right click on LTE project and select Rebuild.

5. Replace the newly built libLTE.dll in <NetSim Installation Directory>\bin folder after renaming the original libLTE.dll.

6. Now create a NetSim scenario for Handover to occur. 

7. Run the scenario.

Whenever handover occurs the HLR table before and after handover will be written to a file named HLR.txt inside the bin folder of NetSim.


The files attached are related with NetSim v9.1.7 and we recommend you to perform code modifications and create scenarios in the respective version that you have.